Previous show pictures have moved to:
DSFCA 2nd National Breed Specialty, Claremont, CA 2007 (Results in far right column)

A 3-day weekend of fun, including our own Farmdog Funday Friday
By Helene Riisgaard Pedersen
Over the weekend of November 9th, 10th and 11th, we did it again.
A total of 31 Danish/Swedish Farmdogs and their families gathered all in one spot, that is yet another record for The USA. All were part of the fun, and 27 of them showed in the DSFCA specialty show, for which we again were able to offer an experienced judge from abroad, this time from Denmark.
It is so wonderful, just how many care so much, that they for almost a year had been planning on attending this event. People came again from near and far, many spending several days beyond the time there, in traveling to and from.
It was wonderful to see familiar faces, people returning and now being the experienced specialty show folks, as well as a number of new owners join us to share the fun.
We are "paying forward" a great tradition, which will prosper and grow to the benefit of our great breed!
And again we had presense of about 1/3 of The US population of Farmddogs. There were participants from Connecticut, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Texas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Washington, Alaska, and California.
Our fun began already Friday, where ARBA and Hotel Claremont generously had allowed us to use part of the show field. Now when giving a piece of land to the disposition of a group of Farmdog owners, look out!
Because creativity and activity rules. On Friday there were different activities for all to enter, with a "day pass" we could get an introduction to Clicker Training, Foundation Work class for Agility, access to use of a Mini-Agility course, a Flyball demonstration and Flyball foundation training, a (R)Nushball demonstration and introduction to how to train (R)Nushball, Rally-O introduction and practice on several levels of courses, a number of fun games, and a Show/Handler class, for both novices as well as experienced people and dogs.
Not bad, considering it was just for one day!
These many offers of things to play with and learn about came together by a tremendous shared effort of a number of people. A BIG thank you to all who contributed to all of this being possible...Bringing equipment, planning the day, providing knowledge by giving lessons and instructions, setting up and tearing down, jumping in to help somewhere, whenever it was needed, everybody chipped in, and that's what made it happen!

Our judge for the specialty show Saturday afternoon was Ulf Bråthen, Denmark, who besides being an experienced certified judge of the Danish/Swedish Farmdog, also is a very experienced breeder of several breeds. Ulf gave open critiques at ring side, and there were written critiques provided for each dog as well. The value of education, learning about our breed, through seeing what items have importance and priority, is so very high. This is where learning takes place!
Many of the items being noted, would lead to questions. And on Saturday evening, Ulf made himself available after our dinner, for a Q's and A's session, doing a great job at answering questions and addressing concerns. There were many very good questions, and many very good answers, helping the understanding of the judging of the exterior of a Farmdog, and also helping the understanding of what we are striving to do, in the development of the breed, and an experienced breeder's view on how that can be done.
Even though we can't possibly learn everything in one weekend, we take a new tiny important step forward, every time we have these specialty events.
After show practice Friday, everybody were ready to "handle" dogs on the table.
This is where it is always so great, to have an experienced judge. Someone who can quickly and easily help settle the inexperienced dogs, throw a quick joke, and loosen up the tension.
Everybody did so great with the table, and this even in a situation, where the dogs stayed on the table a bit longer than usual, while the critiques were being dictated.
Job well done!
Our judge did great by the table with both novice and experienced handlers and dogs.

As always ARBA provided 4 shows over the weekend. Our specialty show was the second show Saturday.
Before and between shows, we were hanging out in our Farmdog camp as usual. There was time to talk (yet never enough!), time to enjoy all the beautiful raffle prices and buy raffle tickets, and of course, time to have lunch together between the shows.
All 3 days we had opted to have shared breakfast with coffee, and lunch, all delivered on location. Sure beats bringing home made sandwhiches in a half melted cooler of ice!
DSFCA fundraising raffle, a great big job was done to raise money to help pay for the weekend.

Breed parade
We started (tradition by now!) with a breed parade. ALL 31 Farmdogs in the ring at once.
That is a very special experience, and probably not something which some of us will ever take for granted. To have all of us there, that many Farmdogs, was once (not very long ago) beyond the wildest of imaginations.
This is a great way to start a show, and a great way to make "a statement"...here we come, the Danish/Swedish Farmdogs!
30+ Farmdogs in the ring together for parade. That alone is a huge event, never to be taken for granted!
It is a proud feeling to be one of such a group, and again, the situation makes one appreciate so much, just how people went out of their way to participate and make this happen.
"No show" is not what we suffer from in our group, rather the opposite, everybody try, and so many make it there!!!

Show time
After the breed parade, our show, which is a great big part of what we all came for, started. We had pre-printed critiques for the first time, and even a secretary to fill in the judge's comments for each dog. The table on which the judge examined the dogs and dictated the critiques to the secretary from, was crowded by curious listeners...listening to the judge's critique, trying to understand, and wanting to learn.
We were so very lucky to have a volunteer secretary, willing to try something new, because no-one here has ever experienced a show, with critiques dictated right on the spot.
Our brave secretary caught on instantly, and stayed very busy, hand writing the judge's critiques, as he was dicatating them. The set-up was right at ring side, so everybody could listen in. There is hardly any other place, where there is so much to learn!
The secretary and table was set up so everybody around could hear the critiques as the judge was dictating them.
We had a bit of "scrambling" towards the end, getting the brood bitch, brace, and stud dog classes together...but we made it! After all, we're still rather proud, not to be a "pro" show group...it's ok, that we improvise and adapt, that's the fun part.
After the show, best in the group and best of show was judged by another (American) judge. We were cheering on our Farmdog best of breed dog, and it was getting really exciting, when our Danish/Swedish Farmdog took Group 1...but what was REALLY exciting was when our Danish/Swedish Farmdog took Best In Show Reserve. Repeating the "stunt" of last year's specialty breed winner, a Farmdog once again went right close to the top!
Best of breed is chosen (far left), now time to decide for Best in Opposite sex
Best of breed Little Denmark's Shoshone and Best of Opposite Sex Little Denmark's Berta the Adventurer
DSFCA's logo banner with the mission statement was of course along at the party as well
After the Saturday shows, we prepared camp for the night, let loose and played some, and everybody walked the dogs, fed them, and some tired Farmdogs crashed around the hotel in the rooms.
Then all we people met for a drink and a wonderful catered Bar-b-que dinner.
After dinner Ulf Bråthen was "it" for questions and answers. There were many good questions, and many good answers. In particular pertaining to the judging of the day, and of course the always re-ocurring, "what should a Farmdog be looking like?". The interest in learning and need for education is so great. That is why these specialty shows with judges from abroad are so important. This is where we can really learn.
Once the questions subcided, there was interest in viewing a slide slow presentation with pictures of many of the dogs behind our US dogs. So we did, until there was a break, where most chose to go to bed. But a "tough crew" hung in there to the very last, to see the rest of the slide presentation.
Another long, but great day, had been had with the Farmdog family!
Ulf Bråthen answering questions, and
explaining in the center of the "horse shoe"
A fact, which seems so important to always remember, is what drives all of us together time and time again, regardless of distances and other obligations in our lives.
First, the shared interest in a special little dog, developing into friendships. Over the years, traditions shape, new owners come along and join us. We hear it more and more often, from new owners, from people visiting our camp, even from our judge and from ARBA:
"What makes this group so unique, is that your are not just friends, you are like a family".

Sunday 2 more shows
Sunday ARBA had 2 more shows on the program, and we had yet another great day in camp. I will let Sunday yield to Friday, and refer to the show results for show 3 and 4 out in the right column.

Friday Farmdog Funday
, and
More balance work using different equipment
Friday morning, while having breakfast and coffee in the camp being set up, we also set up parts of the show grounds for a bunch of fun.
First we fenced ourselves in, so that any "stray" Farmdog would be secure. Several areas within were divided into a mini agility course, and a section which later would be for 2 flyball lanes.
The first "class" was an inctroduction to the uses of clicker in any kind of training, after which we broke up into several small "work stations". Some were practicing on the balance equipment, others on agility equipment, and some chose to work with target practice.
Then everybody stopped to watch 2 demos. First flyball, by the Farmdogs present, involved in this sport. A very exciting action packed, and high adrenalin event.
The next demo was of (R)Nushball, an easy going game one can play with one's dog, anytime, anywhere. The game was invented by one of the Farmdog owners, and it was very interesting.
After the 2 demos, both broke into "work stations" where others could get introduced along with dog, to some of the foundation work and basics needed, to play flyball and (R)Nushball.
At the same time, 4 Rally-O courses had been set up in the nearby tennis court. There a demonstration of Rally-O and introduction to some of the signs used was given, before everybody had the opportunity to try the courses at different levels, and get an idea of the sport.
Top left: Flyball course ready
Top center: Flyball demo
Top right: (R)Nushball Demo
Bottom left: Rally-O introduction
Bottom center and right: Trick competition (fungame)
It was fun to work with the dogs throughout the day, and get new ideas and learn more about activities others share with their dogs.
After all the "classes" were over, we started the fungames. Some of the games from last year had to be repeated, because many had practiced. And some new variations of fun games to play, were introduced as well.
The fungames were a hoot! We had bobbing for hotdogs again, we had best trick competition again, we had a new search competition, where the dogs had to find a number of hidden treats in a marked area. We had several relay races, which are always hilarious...people get into those games, and the team spirit gets a boost.
The grass skirt game seems to have come to us to stay. Object is to wear a grass skirt, have a tennis ball on a spoon in one hand, and dog on a leash in the other, and then RUN. At return, the grass skirt has to come off, and the next runner has to get it on, and be equipped with dog, spoon and tennis ball...here a series of pictures, such a treat!
Grass skirt on, ball on spoon, dog on leash...ready, set...
We're off to a good start, but wait a minute...obstruction in lane 2...
The wife returning in fine style...but looks like the line judge's slow motion review calls for re-ajusting the score for lane 2 sir!
Concentration is great, the style is right...
...complications occur, a strugle is evident...
What is it with those guys in lane 2, can't keep their clothes on!
Phil and Mel showing how it's done!
You fly girls!
Emily cruisin right along...
...wait a minute, where are you going?
Many helping hands getting next team player off.
Mr. show director trying the skirt...keep smiling!
And remind me, that next year I take the pictures, and YOU race in the game!
"High fives" and thanks Bruce!
Bobbing for hotdogs is self explanatory, the dogs have to fish out the small bites of hotdogs from the water. They are clocked on stop watch, and the ones who can fish up the most within the time limit, has won.
This year it was funny to see that some dogs remembered so obviously from last year, what it was all about, and we consequently also had far more impressive results!
Top + 2 bottom left: Bobbing for hotdogs...there are a known number of hotdog pieces under water in the tub...so many ways to get those out, yet there's really only one way!
Bottom 2 pictures right: A new fungame, a known number of treats are hidden in the square, and the dogs have to use the nose to find them, on time!
And then came the poker relay! This was a new game, which definitely was hilarious. Again a relay race, 2 teams, and a table at the end of the lanes, with playing cards on, face down.
Each team member had to run with dog up to the table, and pick up a card, then return. The catch was the slippers!
Before being ready to go, last runner had to get the slippers off, and the next one get them on. Reactions to the slippers among the dogs were very interesting logistics to have to deal with!
It is un-known to me, who won with the highest poker hand, it seems the attention was more so on this blast of an event, than who won, everybody were winners!
Here some of the revealing pictures:
Suzy says WHAT is that?
Looking good there ladies
Okay Mel, give it gas!
It would go faster if you didn't laugh so hard!
I'm not sure I'll go anywhere with you wearing those things
Pam's dressing room
Do you HAVE to wear those Mom?
Did you guys practice this?
Ok, the sliding arrival just proved it!
What's so funny?
I don't think I wanna play this game!
Caught up the pace, having fun yet?
Will you stop so I can get a grip?
Whoa, must be a good card!
Our secretary and Kikka are on the move!
Boy, this team FLIES!
Here weeee coooome...

Once again and unforgettable weekend in the company of great dogs and great people. Thanks to ALL for coming, for ALL who contributed, whether able to participate or not. An event like this does not come together without a great group effort! So many had worked so hard for a long time, getting all the little details to "click".
So did they? Well, nothing is ever perfect, and we are all fairly new to such big weekend events like this one, but as we get more and more experience, we'll get better at everything, besides the bobbing for hotdogs!
Next year, we'll "do over" on the 1st weekend of October in Manalapan, NJ, and we hope to see as many or more happy, friendly, family-fun people and Farmdogs. Our judge for DSFCA's 3rd annual National Breed Specialty in 2008 has been scheduled for over a year, and will be Lilian Christensen, Denmark.
So COME BACK, and join us again, when DSFCA once again sets up the mobile Farmdog road show!
Group picture Claremont, CA 2007 of people and Farmdogs.
One growing family!
(Sorry we are missing some, but somebody had to take the pictures!)



From Maddy and me
DSFCA rosettes
Judge: Ulf Bråthen, Danmark
Best of Breed, Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Group 1, Best in Show 2 (=Reserve)
Little Denmark's Shoshone, AKA Kemosabe
Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch
Little Denmark's Berta The Adventurer, AKA Greta
Reserve Winners (Female)
Pacific Rim's Bolinas Cloud, AKA Lexi
Reserve Winners (Male)
Pacific Rim's Barbary Bart, AKA Lego
Best of Breed Puppy
Matilde's Nellie, AKA Nellie
Best Brace Class
Kennel Pacific Rim's
Best Brood bitch class
Kennel Little Denmark's
Best Stud Dog class
Kennel Flora's
Show results show 1, Saturday with US judge:
Best of Breed, Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Group 1, Best in Show 2 (=Reserve)
Javika's Terkel, AKA Tukko
Best of Opposite Sex
Agerhoenen's Flora Floedekaramel, AKA Flora
Winners Bitch
Amanda's Anna, AKA Anna
Reserve Winners (Female)
Little Denmark's Calamity Jane, AKA CJ
Reserve Winners (Male)
Oestbroen's Pyrus
Show results show 3, Sunday with US judge:
Best of Breed, Winners Dog, Best Of Winners, Group 2
Javika's Terkel, AKA Tukko
Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Bitch
Little Denmark's Calamity Jane, AKA CJ
Reserve Winners (Female)
Pacific Rim's Bolinas Cloud, AKA Lexi
Reserve Winners (Male)
Pacific Rim's Barbary Bart, AKA Lego
Show results show 4, Sunday with US judge:
Best of Breed, Winners Dog, Best Of Winners, Group 2
Javika's Terkel, AKA Tukko
Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Bitch
Little Denmark's Calamity Jane, AKA CJ
Reserve Winners (Female)
Pacific Rim's Bolinas Cloud, AKA Lexi
Reserve Winners (Male)
Pacific Rim's Barbary Bart, AKA Lego