Kikka and puppies (week 2b, 2006)

week1b week2a week2b

sitting feeding
Kikka caught before she got confortable
Kikka is still very devoted to her puppies, she won't move when they eat,
even though she is sitting very uncomfortably.

2 weeks old and life is good
The quiet time is sort of over. Not only do we hear growling sounds from the box, but also something that could resemble a practice bark.
Kikka is still very devoted to her puppies, and keeps close tabs on, that Maddy doesn't get near, even though it has happened, that Maddy visited at an un-watched moment a few times.
Kikka has started to take very brief breaks, not for long, but she has been back under the covers in the bed for about 2-3 minutes at a time. However, she doesn't sleep, and rushes back into the puppy box to stay with the pups.

Please be adviced, that we might take a few days on responding to e-mails from friends and family.
We thank You for Your patience.
We do currently not respond to new puppy inquiries.

The puppies
The 2 girls are not quite able to see, but they do sense light and shadow. It has been a great discovery to both, to actually "see" each other, the surprise is evident when they meet.
While this far only sleeping after eating, they both take a few minutes to do "puppy stuff" in between meals and naps now. First attempts to "play" have been observed, however, they lift a paw, loose balance and tumble, then fall asleep, and that's about it.
Many of the discoveries are being examined with the greatest interest, in that manner Kikka's tail, ears, legs and everything in the box, has been examined closer by mouth.
Both girls are also practicing getting on their feet, and beginning to check on the edges of the box...some day soon, they'll get themselves out, but it will be a little while yet.

Breaking out?
First attempts to break out?
"Hey Sis, did you see there is stuff outside out box?"

Humans exist
The girls' world is small, and sometimes big hands and fingers come into their lives. One morning it was obvious, that one of them was able to see a hand in front of her, because she wagged the tail - they are born people fond!
Both puppies are carefully "held" every day, for brief minutes, and they try to "taste" everything. But so much "action" does make them fall asleep quickly. Kikka prefers they are given back to her in a timely manner, so we respect her wish.

Puppies have names!
This litter is a "theme litter", and appropriately (we feel) we have chosen some famous wild west names. Kikka's 2 little girls are already famous, they are from the wild west, WY, and have proven at a very young age, both to be survivors.
It is our choice to name them after 2 ladies, who both started life out in a bit of a rough way, pulled through, and became famous. We think these 2 girls, now named Calamity Jane and Annie Oakley, are already walking in their foot steps.

Totally crashed
Complete relaxation
3 girls sawing logs with some heavy "Z's"

For more info, please check our site later, or contact:

Kennel Little Denmark

Calamity Jane 2 weeks
Little Denmark's Calamity Jane 2 weeks old
Now 893 grams, 1 lb 15 1/2 oz

Annie Oakley
Little Denmark's Annie Oakley 2 weeks old
Now 815 grams, 1 lb 12 3/4 oz

Kisses for Jane
Kisses for Calamity Jane
She was actually trying to play with Kikka.

Kisses for Annie
Kisses for Annie Oakley
Kissing Kikka has lots of kisses

2 Sisters side by side
Kind-a nice to have someone to snuggle with

The classic
Annie Oakley Belly-up
This one here was just for Ina

Meal time
Meal time
"Hey the bar is opened, what's on your tap?"

Calamity Jane eats
Too cute not to bring
Isn't this what it's all about?

Upper paw
Annie has the upper paw
"I got you, I got you, I got you!"

Meeting finger
Meeting a human finger
"Hmmm hello there, where did you come from?"

Tasting finger
Wonder what it tastes like
"Not bad, got any salt to go with it?"

Hug and sleep
Sisterly hug
Pew, it's exhausting to discover the world!