Kikka and puppies (week 5b, 2006)

week4b week5a week5b
week6a week6b

Kikka feeding 5 weeks old
Being fed my Mom at age 5 weeks
Less nails means less pain to Kikka, she is again more relaxed.

5 weeks old, need space!
Having 2 puppies with the energy level of 5 puppies, demands space. At a streak of really beautiful weather, there was no doubt, it was time to get OUT!
A nail clipping temporarily helped Kikka's issues, and she is again a bit more relaxed when feeding her puppies, but she manages where and when a bit more, than before.
Kikka has also moved out of the puppy pen at night, and back into her spot under the covers in the bed. These 2 doggies are growing up!

Please be adviced, that we might take a few days on responding to e-mails from friends and family.
We thank You for Your patience.
We do currently not respond to new puppy inquiries.

Growing up in more aspects
In more ways we can tell the changes from "puppy-status" into "dog status". Maddy too is getting to consider the little girls as more like real dogs, rather than little puppies. She now definitely needs to make her alpha status known, and does no longer allow the puppies to disturb her at their convenience.
One of the major reasons is, that she is seeing how much attention the pups are getting from all humans...and humans do by definition belong to Maddy, she is not at all fond of sharing!

Charging out of kennel
First trip out, charging out of kennel
Neither one hesitated to be in a hurry out into this grand new space!

The great outdoors
It has been quite the event for the puppies to be able to get outside for a couple of good days.
Right from the first time, both of them came running out of the kennel, very excited about this new play gound. They immediately began tasting everything around them, grass, weeds, dirt whatever.
If weather allows, they will be out every day from now on, but we are expecting a cold long as the good weather lasts, it is a great way to make 2 little growing doggies very tired...take them out, let them run, and soon the interior decorating of the house is left alone...puppies get real sleepy from the great outdoors!

Looking at the outdoors
"Hey Sis, this is pretty big"..."Yes, it is kind-a big isn't it?"
Let's run!
"Well then let's just RUUUNNNN!"

For more info, please check our site later, or contact:

Kennel Little Denmark

Calamity Jane 5 weeks old
Little Denmark's Calamity Jane 5 weeks old
No weight this week, she wouldn't sit still on the scale!

Annie Oakley 5 weeks old
Little Denmark's Annie Oakley 5 weeks old
No weight, she wouldn't sit still either!

Checking smells
Checking the smells
"Wow, these are all new smells Sis"

going either way
"Which way should we go?"
yes it is snow in the back ground!

Follow the nose
This way!
"Let's just follow the noses..."

Playin in the grass
"It feels so nice and soft!"

playing switch position
Switching position
"Let me try that too, oh yeah, it is very soft!"

Annie Oakley with weed
Another Kodak moment
Almost looks like she's sucking something out of the ground with a straw

No more interior decorating today...
...the grand outdoors really poops puppies well!