Here, we will try to bring news - big, small, funny etc. - from Denmark and the US, regarding Farmdogs. If You have any information, You think we might want to post here, please inform us.
Please note: Not all of our dogs' individual show results will be posted on this page, for a full list of each of their individual accomplishments, please view the pages belonging to each of the dogs under "accomplishments".

  • Oktober, 2012
    Crow's Point Kennel's Herman bliver den første Dansk/svenske Gårdhundehvalp nogensinde, som importeres til Danmark fra USA. Vi har rigtigt mange mennesker at takke for hjælpen til at dette blev muligt. Ingen nævnt-ingen glemt.
    Den lille fyr kaldes nu "Oskar" og bor hos en veninde, hvor han allerede har charmeret sig til at sove under dynen, komme med på arbejde hver dag, og iøvrigt have alle de privilegier som enhver gårdhund tager for givet, og lidt til.
    Vi følger ham stille og roligt, og så vil tiden vise hvad han bliver til.

  • 1 August, 2012
    "Daisy" føder 5 hvalpe, 4 hanner og 1 tæve. Vi får "hvalpefeber"...

  • 3 Juli, 2012
    "Daisy" er ultralydsscannet og de utroligt spændende nyheder indløber: DER BLEV SET 5 LEVENDE HVALPE! Dette er meget, meget spændende. Hold øje med hvalpesiderne, selvom vi ikke er opdrætter af Daisy's hvalpe, vil der være lidt information om dem på vores hjemmeside, da vi har stor og særlig interresse i kuldet

  • Juni, 2012
    The Emerald City's Daisy i USA, barnebarn til vores "Kikka" (Javika's Bestle Nestle Kakao Ko) og datter af vores "Ranger" (My Bonnie Øllebølle Øllebrød) er blevet insemineret med frossen sæd tappet i Danmark af DKCH Nydningen's Dirck.
    Vi krydser fingre og holder vejret...

  • April, 2012
    Alle hvalpene er rejst til deres nye hjem, og vi ønsker dem og deres familier held og lykke mange år fremover. Vi glæder os over den gode kontakt, og dermed til at følge dem i livet

  • Marts, 2012
    Ny "ankomst" til vores kennel, da vi beslutter at Little Denmark's 4-Ever Fay bliver boende her hos os

  • 30 Januar, 2012
    Little Denmark's Mount Silverheels (Sussi) føder 4 tævehvalpe. Dette er vores F-kuld, og vores første Danskfødte kuld

  • November 28 and 30, 2011
    Little Denmark's Mount Silverheels (Sussi) is mated to certified Saco

  • June, 2011
    New arrival to Kennel Little Denmark is My Bonnie Nøkkerose I Civil, now known as Nikki

  • March, 2011
    The final stage of the move is completed when we all finally move into our house (and new back yard for the girls) near Ringsted

  • December 31, 2010
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes all our puppy families, friends, and family a Happy New Year, and the warmest thank you for all in the old year. We are looking forward to good times together in 2011.

  • December, 2010
    Butch and Kikka arrives to Denmark

  • May, 2010
    Helene, Maddy, and Sussi begins the first stage of the move to Denmark

  • February, 2010
    A major over-haul of our website results in that a list of the latest updates added to the site, is placed on the site's "home" page.

  • January, 2010
    UKC publishes their all star list (top 50) for obedience trials in 2009. Maddy finished in a 15th place of all dogs in the nation, in the novice class: UKC 2009 Novice obedience All Stars.

  • January, 2010
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes all our puppy families, friends, and family a Happy New Year, and the warmest thank you for all in the old year. We are looking forward to continue seeing and talking to you all throughout 2010.

  • November, 2009
    Maddy competes in UKC obedience trial in CO. With 199 points in Novice C, she took home High in trial for the third time!.

  • October, 2009
    DSFCA's 4th National breed specialty is held in Chicago-area, IL, judged by Bengt-Åke Bogren, invited from Sweden.

  • Also July, 2009
    Maddy becomes the first Danish/Swedish Farmdog in the USA to obtain an obedience title (UCD), as she finished her 3rd "leg" in UKC trials in Golden, CO. She also once again won HIT (high in trial) with a 195 1/2 point score. We are so very proud of her!

  • July, 2009
    Maddy wins HIT (high in trial) at a UKC obedience trial in Longmont, CO. She scored 198 points in Novice B!!!.

  • May, 2009
    Maddy becomes the first Danish/Swedish Farmdog to enter a UKC obedience trial.

  • January, 2009
    The Danish/Swedish Farmdog is approved by UKC (United Kennel Club) for participation in sporting events. Conformation shows are still an ARBA venue only. We are excited that our breed can now compete in obedience, agility, etc. at UKC events across The USA.

  • January, 2009
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes all our puppy families, friends, and family a Happy New Year, and the warmest thank you for all in the old year, which passed so quickly.

  • November, 2008
    All of both Greta's and Kikka's puppies are with their new families. We wish you all a wonderful future and many years together!

  • October 22nd, 2008
    Little Denmark's Mount Silverheels, from now on known as Sussi, moved in with us. She is our own second generation, Greta is her Mother, and she is Maddy's Grand daughter. From day one she has secured herself a spot in our home! Whether or not breeding is in her future (which of course we hope), this incredible puppy has come to stay.

  • October 3rd, 4th and 5h, 2008
    DSFCA's (Danish/Swedish Farmdog Club Of America) 3rd National breed specialty was held in Manalapan, NJ in conjunction with ARBA's New Jersey Classic.
    I loaded up the car with dogs, Kikka's 6 weeks old puppies, stopped in Nebraska and picked up a friend, her Farmdog, and Ranger, and went to NJ with the entire zoo.
    Kennel Little Denmark took home Best of Breed and Best of Opposite sex by respectively Ranger and Maddy. A fun trip and a great weekend, and some super puppy socialization!
    Judge was Lilian Christensen, Denmark.

  • August 26th, 2008
    Greta gave birth to 4 puppies. Her litter is only the 16th registered US born litter of this breed, and the puppies are US borns number 62, 63, 64 and 65.

  • August 21st, 2008
    Kikka gave birth to 5 puppies. Her litter is only the 15th registered US born litter of this breed, and the puppies are US borns number 57, 58, 59, 60 and 61.

  • June 25th and June 27th, 2008
    Greta was mated to My Bonnie Zeus Ztyrer For Vildt (Bøvs) in Denmark.

  • June 20th and June 22nd, 2008
    Kikka was mated to Tahoe Skovsø's Pipino (Louis) in Denmark.

  • June 9th and June 11th, 2008
    Kikka and Greta came into heat spaced by only 2 days. So now we're packing, getting ready for new adventures in Denmark. Only time will tell, if the trip is "productive", but so far, so good!

  • May 19th and May 21st, 2008
    Our Kikka's daughter "CJ" (Little Denmark's Calamity Jane) was mated to Ranger (My Bonnie Oelleboelle Oellebroed).
    We will be following CJ closely in the weeks to come, if she is pregnant, Kikka will have Grand Kids sometime near or around the 21st of July.

  • April 26th, 2008
    The Danish/Swedish Farmdog was provisionally FCI-approved.

  • January, 2008
    Our Maddy becomes the # 1 obedience Farmdog in Denmark for the second year in a row. She is the winner of the honorable award Obedience & Utility Farmdog of the year, 2007 in Denmark!!!
    Once again "Miss Matters", we are so extremely proud of you!

  • December 31, 2007
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes everybody a happy new year, 2008. We are as always looking forward to continue to enjoy following our puppies prosper and grow, and we hope to add a few more to the family in the new year.
    Thank you to all our friends in The US and Scandinavia for good times, lots of "dog talk", and all of your support.
    We look forward to hopefully seeing all of you again in 2008!

  • November, 2007
    DSFCA's Second National Breed Specialty show was held in conjunction with ARBA's Hollywood Classic in Claremont, CA
    This was another BIG event for the breed in The USA.
    All previous records were broken again...with participants from Alaska, California, Connecticut, Nebraska, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming, we showed 27 Danish/Swedish Farmdogs, and had a total of 31 Farmdogs present.
    As before, no planning and arranging are doing a bit of good, if no-body comes to participate, so a big THANK YOU, to all who went out of their way, to make it to yet another unforgettable event.
    Judge was Ulf Bråthen from Denmark, and we thank him for coming!

  • October, 2007
    Helene, Maddy and Kikka return to The US, after a wonderful extended stay in "the old country".
    We have had a great time attending shows and participating in shows, competing in obedience, visiting friends and Farmdog kennels in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Thanks to all who hosted us!
    Special thanks to Kennel Javika for letting us stay with you for 6 months!!!

  • September, 2007
    Even though this page is not intended for show results, this one should be here:
    Our Maddy is as of September 8th, 2007 the only currently living Danish born Danish/Swedish Farmdog, who is a Nordic show Champion.
    She is futher only the second Danish born Danish/Swedish Farmdog to ever hold this title!

  • August, 2007
    Helene completes the Danish Kennel Club's advanced breeder's course. It is mentioned here on my web-site as completed, with special permission from DKK.

  • Spring, summer and fall, 2007
    Maddy competes in obedience in Denmark, and Helene and Maddy travel around to shows all over Scandinavia. See Maddy's page for the outstanding results of our efforts.

  • Also April, 2007
    Helene completes the Danish Kennel Club's basic breeder's course. It is mentioned here as completed with special permission from DKK.

  • April, 2007
    Maddy and Kikka are entered into one of the new breeding approval arrangements in Denmark. They are both breeding approved, evaluators/judges were Ole Staunskjær and Lilian Christensen.

  • March, 2007
    Helene, Maddy and Kikka takes a 7 months trip to Denmark. On March 10th we are present at the first breed club show of the year in Denmark, to recieve Maddy's rosette for being Obedience- and utility Farmdog of the year, and the wandering trophy

  • January, 2007
    Our Maddy becomes the # 1 obedience Farmdog in Denmark. She is the winner of the honorable award Obedience & Utility Farmdog of the year, 2006 in Denmark!!!
    Dearest little Maddy girl, we are so extremely proud of you!

  • January, 2007
    Helene is now admitted to the Danish Kennel Club's basic breeder's seminar, which will be held in Denmark in April.

  • December 31, 2006
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes everybody a happy new year, 2007. We are as always looking forward to continue to enjoy following our puppies prosper and grow, as well as another new year which will be full of new Farmdog events, lots of dog talk, and the ever so important education!

  • November, 2006
    DSFCA's 1st Regional specialty show, is held in conjunction with ARBA's Hollywood Classic in Claremont, CA.
    12 adult Danish/Swedish Farmdogs with families, and 5 puppies with Mom, were gathered for yet another unforgettable weekend.
    Judge was Diane Anderson, USA, and we thank her for coming!
    A BIG thank you to everybody who helped hold leads, quickly juggle armband numbers, and show dogs!

  • September, 2006
    The Danish and Swedish breed clubs agree to prepare to apply for FCI approval of the breed, under the name Danish/Swedish Farmdog.

  • September, 2006
    4 Danish/Swedish Farmdogs and families gathered at an ARBA show in CT.
    We're sorry we couldn't be there with you, and are excited that "the wave" of getting together for fun, is spreading to out east!

  • September, 2006
    DSFCA's First National Breed Specialty show was held in conjunction with ARBA's Rocky Mountain Classic in Longmont, CO
    This was a HUGE event for the breed in The USA, it was the first National breed club show ever in the entire world, outside of Scandinavia, so we wrote world history for the breed.
    All previous records were broken...with participants from Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Massachussetts, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming, we showed 25 Danish/Swedish Farmdogs.
    This is as many as there are at some of the medium sized shows in planning and arranging are doing a bit of good, if no-body comes to participate, so a big THANK YOU, to all who went out of their way, to make this very first an incredible and memorable event.
    Judge was Lars Adeheimer from Sweden, and we thank him for coming!

  • September, 2006
    DSFCA's (Danish/Swedish Farmdog Club of America was granted status as a non-profit incorporation
    DSFCA of March 2005, is the first breed club for the Danish/Swedish Farmdog in the entire world, outside of Scandinavia.

  • July, 2006
    Another new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog arrived to The USA from Sweden.
    Welcome Enzzo, and congratulations to your new and proud family!

  • July, 2006
    A new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog arrived to The USA from Denmark.
    Welcome Bodie, and congratulations to your new and proud family!

  • June/July, 2006
    Maddy, Kikka, Butch and I are taking a wonderful family vacation in Denmark.
    Maddy participated in obedience trials and Kikka was shown in a DKK show. For results, see the girls' own pages.

  • May, 2006
    Kikka's 2 girls departed to their new homes. Go make us proud, little Denmark's Annie Oakley and Little Denmark's Calamity Jane!!!
    Congratulations to your new families!
    Annie Oakley will from now on be called Birkita, and she didn't go far, she is living with our family here in Cheyenne, and we'll follow her grow, and hope some day to include her in Kennel Little Denmark's future breeding program.

  • April, 2006
    A little "Easter present" has arrived from Denmark. My Bonnie Oelle Boelle Oellebroed has been added to the US Family of Danish/Swedish Farmdogs, and we are hoping to watch him grow into also being added to Kennel Little Denmark's breeding program.
    Congratulations Scott and Angeal!!!

  • March 31, 2006
    2 of Kikka's puppies did not have the strength to make it through the first week. This is the difficult "price" which sometimes applies to breeding dogs, it is so very sad, but we are happy for Kikka, that she apparently gets to keep 2 of her pups, that is after all the most important at this time.

  • March 24, 2006
    Kikka gave birth to 4 girls! This is only the 8th litter of registered Danish/Swedish Farmdogs to be born in The USA.

  • February, 2006
    A new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog arrived from Denmark. Welcome Vakre Anna, Tukko's new "boss lady", and congratulations to our good friends, your new family.

  • Januray, 2006
    Kikka was mated to ARBA A-1 CH Gonzo's Folmer, aka Vago. We, and the families waiting for them, are hoping for puppies come end of March.

  • December 31, 2005
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes everybody a Happy New year! We are looking forward to a new year with lots of dog talk, following our puppies develop, good times with the Farmdog family in The US and abroad, and maybe even Kikka's first litter!

  • December, 2005
    2 new little Danish/Swedish Farmdogs arrived from Denmark. Welcome Harald and Knud, and congratulations to your new families.

  • November 12 and 13, 2005
    The annual ARBA Hollywood Classic was held in Claremont, CA. 6 Farmdogs showed Saturday, and 3 on Sunday. Thank you to all who showed and showed up for another wonderful weekend with the Farmdog family. Vago did us proud by taking Best in Show Reserve! Congratulations to Annika with her ARBACH title.
    Our last puppy, now named Cheyenne, came to her new home. Congratulations to her new family, and we're proud to welcome you to "our family".

  • November, 2005
    A new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog arrived from Norway. Welcome Buster, and congratulations to your new family.

  • November 5, 2005
    4 of Kennel Little Denmark's 5 puppies by Maddy/Calorius departed to their new homes. Congratulations to their new families in FL, NY, MA and CO, and a warm welcome to "our family". We will be bringing the 5th puppy, Little Dennmark's Benedicte The Pioneer, to her new family in CA, in connection with our trip to the ARBA Hollywood Classic show on November 12th and 13th.

  • October 1, 2005
    ARBA show New Jersey Classic was held. 1 Farmdog showed and did us all proud. Flora's Buttercup, AKA Hilde, took Best in Show Reserve, the finest result yet, obtained by an adult Danish/Swedish Farmdog in The USA. Congratulations to her proud family, good job!

  • September 3, 2005
    Maddy's Denmark trip was successful, as Maddy gave birth to 5 puppies, 2 boys and 3 girls. This is only the 7th litter of registered Danish/Swedish Farmdogs to be born in The USA.

  • August, 2005
    2 new little Danish/Swedish Farmdogs arrived from Denmark. Welcome to Spiff and Toby, and congratulations to your new families.

  • July, 2005
    2 new little Danish/Swedish Farmdogs arrived from Denmark. Welcome Rasmine and Miss Trixie, and congratulations to your new, proud families. Miss Trixie, you were a wonderful little travel companion, thanks for letting us have you for a couple of days.

  • July 4th and 6th, 2005
    Maddy was mated to My Bonnie Calorius in Denmark. Now hoping to become a mama again in the beginning of September.

  • July 3rd, 2005
    Maddy departed for Denmark, for her little rendez-vous with My Bonnie Calorius.

  • June, 2005
    2 new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog puppies arrived from Denmark.
    Welcome to Whiskey, and congratulations to his new family, and welcome to Ruby, and congratulations to her family.

  • June 18th 2005
    A new record was broken!
    ARBA's Golden Gate Classic in Hayward, CA was held. We had the largest amount of dogs in one breed represented at this show, the Danish/Swedish Farmdogs were VERY visible.
    A total of 12 Danish/Swedish Farmdogs were gathered, that is 1/4 of the entire US population at this time, and the most we have ever had together on US soil in one place at the same time.
    11 of our dogs showed, one visted. We had dogs in almost every class possible, including 2 in puppy class. Congratulations to Maddy, who obtained her ARBA championship, and congratulations to Annika's Tulare, AKA Lexie, the first Danish/Swedish Farmdog in The US, to ever win Best in show puppy, we are very proud of that!
    Thanks to everybody for another wonderful weekend, thanks for help in handling Kikka, thanks for all the good food catered to us, and hope to see you all (and even more perhaps?) in Denver, CO, 2006.

  • May, 2005
    Maddy's Son, Little Denmark's Arapahoe, AKA Jake, passed his pet therapy test with the Delta Society in FL. Congratulations to his proud family, we're so excited about all the smiles and joy, you and Jake will bring along, when you visit the hospital and the nursing home.

  • May, 2005
    Maddy's daughter, Little Denmark's Cheyenne, AKA Scout, was admitted to The Huntsman Gun Club's bird hunting dog training facility in MI, after a week of proving her instincts and good potential.
    Congratulations to her proud hunting family, we're as always looking forward to the stories (and maybe a duck or a pheasant).

  • April, 2005
    A new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog puppy arrived from Denmark.
    Welcome to Javika's Terkel, AKA Tukko, and congratulations to his new family.

  • March, 2005
    Danish/Swedish Farmdog Club of America, DSFCA was incorporated, now pending approval as a non-profit organization!
    DSFCA is the first breed club for the Danish/Swedish Farmdog in the entire world, outside of Scandinavia. We wish the breed club the best future, may it's mission(s) be ful-filled!

    February, 2005
    A new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog puppy arrived from Denmark.
    Welcome to Emil, and congratulations to his new family.

  • January, 2005
    A new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog puppy arrived from Denmark.
    Welcome to Amanda, aka Lucy, and congratulations to her new family.

  • December 31st, 2005
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes everybody a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
    Thank you to our first adopting families for being so Wonderful!
    Also thank you to all our friends in the Danish/Swedish Farmdog world, in The US as well as abroad, for our great exchanges of big and small. We look forward to continue this in the new year.

  • December 2004
    2 new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog puppies arrived from Denmark.
    Welcome to TurboJR, aka Toby, and welcome to Bodilius Isaac Newton. Congratulations to both their new families.

  • November 2004
    A new little Danish/Swedish Farmdog puppy arrived from Denmark.
    Welcome to Son-Mik's Jimmie, aka Pippin, and congratulations to his new family.

  • November 2004
    Another little Danish/Swedish Farmdog puppy arrived from Denmark.
    Welcome to Ilsoe's Bosco, aka Lavender, and congratulations to his new family.

  • November 13th and 14th 2004
    ARBA show (Hollywood Classic) in Claremont, CA was held.
    7 Danish/Swedish Farmdogs showed, and one visited.
    Thanks (again) to all lending hands to hold and help show our dogs and congratulations to Maddy, the first Danish/Swedish Farmdog to compete in obedience in The US.
    She did us all proud, thanks for a job well done.
    See you all again (and hopefully even more) in Hayward in June 2005.

  • June 19th and 20th 2004
    ARBA show (Golden Gate Classic) in Hayward beat all previous records in number of Danish-Swedish Farm Dogs gathered in The US. 9 dogs showed and we had a fantastic weekend.
    The Danish lunch catered by Mel will forever be remembered.
    Thanks to all lending hands to hold and help show our dogs and congratulations to Flora's Han Solo who obtained his ARBACH title Sunday.
    See you all again (and hopefully even more) in Claremont in November.

  • June 18th 2004
    Kennel Little Denmark's Shoshone (now Kemosabe), last puppy of the 2004 litter was delivered to his new family in CA. It was love at first sight, mutually. Congratulations to our new "family member" in California.

  • June 2004
    2 new Danish-Swedish Farm Dog puppies arrived to the US from Denmark.
    Welcome Julius who now lives in NH, and congratulations to his new "people companions", and welcome Ludvig who now lives in GA, and congratulations to his new family too.

  • May 29th-30th 2004
    Kennel Little Denmark's 4 of 5 puppies by Maddy/Rufus departed. Congratulations to our new "family members" in Florida, Michigan, Ohio and Maine. We will be bringing the last puppy to our CA family in connection with our trip to the ARBA-show in Hayward, "Golden Gate Classic", June 19-20.

  • April 27th 2004
    A new little Danish-Swedish Farm Dog arrived from Denmark. Welcome Majmika's Einstein, aka Arlo, and congratulations to Mike and Sara.

  • March 27th 2004
    The trip to Denmark resulted in, that Maddy and Rufus became parents of 5 puppies. Two males and 3 females. This is only the 5th litter total, to be born in The US of this breed.

  • February 14th 2004
    Maddy showed in Denmark, and won her third certificate, and is now a Danish Show Champion, "DKCH".
    Very nice Valentine's present, thanks Maddy, and congratulations to Kennel Javika in Denmark.

  • January 26 and 28 2004
    Maddy was mated to Rufus in Denmark. Now hoping to become a mama by end of March.

  • January 1 2004
    Maddy is packing for her "Romantic" trip to Denmark. Departure is set for January 9th...a VERY exciting New Year!

  • December 31 2003
    Kennel Little Denmark wishes everybody a HAPPY NEW YEAR. We thank all our friends in The Farmdog World, for a great and inspiring Year, with lots of exchanges of oppinions, information and news about the breed.
    We are looking forward to 2004.

  • November 2003
    At ARBA show (Hollywood Classic in Claremont, CA) 6 Farmdogs showed. It would have been 5, had Carol not decided to come down Saturday. Way to go!!!
    Thanks Carol and Brita, Phil and Sue, for lending hands, to hold leads, and show for me. Without all of You, it wouldn't have worked.
    Congratulations Kikka, Tilly and Annika with Your CGC-titles.

  • October 18 2003
    Agerhoenen's Flora Floede Karamel (at Kennel Flora, CA) gave birth to a beautyfull litter of 6 pups. 3 males, 3 females. 5 are two-colored with no black (very exciting), and 1 is tri-color.
    This was also Maddy's 2nd birthday - what a day. Happy Birthday Maddy + new pups, and Congratulations Kennel Flora!

  • August 2003
    Kennel Flora visited Denmark to mate Flora to Arco. Flora showed in 1 un-official show and placed as best female champion. Congratulations!
    Returning to The US, they brought us yet 2 Danish-Swedish Farmdogs. My Bonnie's Niksen Biksen (Skipper) went to Utah. Congratulations to Skipper's new "people companions" , and welcome Skipper.
    My Bonnie's Perickles Perleloeg (Bailey) went to Wyoming. Congratulations to Bailey's new "people companions", and welcome Bailey.
    This was a "joint effort of transportation", as Kennel Little Denmark brought the two new arrivals from Seattle airport to their destinations. Thanks so much Kennel Flora!

  • August 20 2003
    Gonzo's Hannah (At Kennel Flora, CA) gave birth to the 3rd. US-born litter. 3 beautyfull pups, 1 male, 2 females. Lance did a great job of helping Hannah in Melody's absence.

  • June 2003
    Kennel Little Denmark visited Denmark, and showed once. Maddy also partcipated in 2 obedience novice competitions, and represented the breed in an honorable manner. She was the only Danish-Swedish Farmdog in the competitions, and placed 2nd of 16 dogs on day 2. Thanks Maddy!

  • April/May 2003
    Kennel Little Denmark visited Denmark and showed twice. Yet another Danish-Swedish Farmdog came to The US. Welcome Kikka (Javika's Bestle Nestle Kakao Ko).

  • 2003
    The Breed Club's work, for getting the breed's temporary FCI-approval made permanent, got structured. Two most important issues are:
    1. Proof of 8 bloodlines in the breed's home country (countries).
    2. Showing continuity within breed standard in the individual dogs' size.
    To accomplish (1) a dog genetics specialist is being appointed. To accomplish (2) all dogs showing at club shows in Denmark and Sweden will be measured outside the ring, by 2 club-appointed individuals.

  • November 2002
    At ARBA show, (Hollywood Classic in Claremont, CA) the most Farmdogs ever, gathered at one place in the US. A total of 7 dogs; 2 puppy-class, 1 9-15months, 2 open females, and 2 open males.
    Vago (alias Gonzo's Folmer) achieved the honorable title, as first ARBA champion of the breed: "ARBA A1-CH". Congratulations!

  • September 2002
    The Danish-Swedish Farmdogs got their own, DKK-approved breed club in Denmark. Amongst other things, we can now hold breed club shows.The breed club has a breeding-board to advise and support breeders, which is chaired by a genetics specialist.
    The club also has a puppy-list and a "males available for stud services list". Club's name is: DSGK, Dansk-Svensk Gaardhunde Klub